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Developing an Athletics Training Programme
Item Number: A00003 Price: 3.99 Pages: 9
Title: Developing an Athletics Training Programme Author: Marc Grosso
Keywords: Sports Science, Training Theory / Periodization Level: All Target Audience: Coaches, Athletes
Abstract: The third and final installment in a three-article series on training theory. This article describes a step-by-step approach to developing a training plan and how to incorporate the concepts of periodization. The example given here can be adapted for use by any training group in any setting.

This article was originally published in "The Coach" (a journal from England), Issue 35, Fall 2006. It was reprinted in "Modern Athlete and Coach" (a journal from Australia) Volume 45, Number 1 (January 2007). It is reprinted here with permission.

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Dr. Marc R. Grosso

Dr. Marc Grosso has successfully served as a coach, Master Level competition official, and administrator since 1974. He has USATF Level II Coaching Certification in the Endurance Events, and in Sprints and Hurdles, and is a USATF Certified Level I Instructor. He directed two USATF Level I coaching schools, seven track and field camps, and twenty-one clinics since 1994.

He founded the Niagara Track and Field Hall of Fame in 1997 and has chaired the Hall of Fame Committee since it began. The Hall of Fame has elected 42 members as of 2006 including 31 athletes (28 male, 3 female), 8 coaches, and 3 contributors. Among the members of the HOF are 23 Olympians.

Dr. Grosso earned his Ph.D. in Science Education from the University at Buffalo. He also earned an MSE in Computer Science, majoring in Computer Graphics, from the University of Pennsylvania and an MA from Ball State University where he studied Exercise Physiology. He currently works as a web developer and software engineer.

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